On 15th June 2013 a new hall was officially opened and dedicated for Knockbracken Congregational Church on the Ballymaconaghy Road. This was an answer to the long held vision (now realised) of the church congregation. The church is described on our website as a community church and our hopes and aspirations are to reach out to the people around us and to involve them in the activities we have planned. All will be welcome.

To initiate the long term use of the hall a series of special events were held week beginning Monday 2nd September to Friday 6th September 2013. The focus of the week was a welcome to the “OPEN DOOR” events for all the family. Each evening had a theme and began at 7.30pm apart from Tuesday 3rd (Children’s Fun Night) which began at 6.30pm.

On Monday 2nd September the Ladies’ enjoyed a Vintage Tea Party.  Tuesday 3rd was a special fun night for children.  Stuart Elliot, a footballer, who has played for a number of teams including Northern Ireland spoke on Wednesday 4th September at the men’s night.  His theme for the evening was “From tragedy to triumph”.  The Youth Night was held on the Thursday evening when Crystal McLaughlin told an amazing story of her deliverance and Ballycraigy Praise Group led the singing.  On Friday 6th September families joined together for a quiz night which was enjoyed by young and old.

Activities continue in the church each week with Mums and Tots on Monday mornings from 10am to 12noon.  The Ladies Fellowship meet every other Monday evening at 8pm.  Wednesday evening at 8pm is the Bible Study and Prayer Meeting.  Further information on these activities and the Sunday Services can be found on the Calendar page of our website.

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